Daily Drivers

Being a bike shop, Bicycling magazine sends of copy of their mag to the store each month.  I usually flip through the pages, grumble and then pass it on.  They have their moments, but as a whole I don't think they do a great service to "average" bike riders.
The feature on race bikes in the current issue is a great example.  "This year's most victorious machines" was the headline.  The bikes ranged in price from $6700 to $16 (that's SIXTEEN) thousand dollars.  What is the victory exactly?

I can appreciate a McLaren Mercedes but it's not something I'm ever going to own.  If I did, I don't think I would drive it daily.  It's just not practical.

It would just be nice to see the industry spend a little more time focusing on bikes that work for people in the real world.  Maybe I just don't get it.  Maybe I'm just getting old.  Hmmph.

Have a great holiday weekend.

Ride on!


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